
Life purpose thoughts: is there ageism going on with computers?

 Intentional or otherwise. It's definitely an inconvenience for Gen xers and baby boomers in the computer age. I am a gen xer and my roommate is a baby boomer and every day we have to deal with the frustration of not being able to figure out under 5 minutes how to post something on a blog or how to log on to a forum board etc. It seems to be getting more and more frustrating all the time. Now I'm posting this because it does relate to my mental health! Can cause depression and feelings of hopelessness and generate adrenaline which is not good for our mental health or even our physical health. Health module life purpose module and life experiences module. I'm working on a new text line and I'm changing the name of my mental wellness process to "transcending mental illness".

possible explanation of some health problems

 the body and mind are connected. "Health Module" Disconnection: Health Hazard

My new forum board

 I found it necessary to post my new forum board. You don't have to sign in to post. May need to have to use an annoying captcha. Good luck and welcome. All posts are subject to moderation by the administration.

Podcast Update

 My anchor podcast has been deleted I am now on this one on HUB Hopper:

Soft Censoring

  LIFE PURPOSE Or SHADOWBANNING on social media MUST END. Shadowbanning is an automatic act by agorithms, such as on YouTube, Instagram, etc. Algorithms will even prevent subscribers/followers from seeing your content by simply not notifying them. Agorithms will hide your channels, videos, or other content simply by not recommending or connecting, or even relating your content. It must be addressed. This is disrupting our right to hear AND BE HEARD on social media.

HEALTH INSIGHT: oil pulling for dental cleaning

 "...The American Dental Association does not recognize oil pulling as a legit treatment for teeth because of inadequate data..." (my interpretation ---Carol E.) My response: "Then gather that data. Interview us!"